Getting Started

This quick tutorial will guide you through the process of installing and using Ark Components effectively.

Install Ark UI

To start using Ark UI, you need to install it in your project. You can do so using yarn, npm, or pnpm by running one of the following commands in your terminal:

yarn add @ark-ui/react
## or
npm install @ark-ui/react
## or
pnpm add @ark-ui/react

Creating a Slider Component

Once Ark UI is installed, you can start creating UI components. Below, we’ll demonstrate how to create a Slider component using Ark UI.

Step 1: Import the Components

The preferred and most efficient way to import components is directly from the top level, which leverages modern bundlers’ tree-shaking capabilities.

Here’s how you can import components directly from the top level:

import { Slider } from '@ark-ui/react'

This method is recommended for most applications as tree-shaking will automatically optimize your bundle size, including only the components you’re actually using in your final bundle.

However, in certain cases, such as when you want to improve development startup times or if you’re using an older bundler that doesn’t support tree-shaking, you can opt for path-based imports:

import { Slider } from '@ark-ui/react/slider'

Regardless of the import method, once the components are imported, you can utilize them in your application via dot notation:

export const MySlider = () => (
        <Slider.Range />
      <Slider.Thumb key={0} index={0} />

Step 2: Style Your Slider Component

While Ark UI is a headless UI library, it provides you with several flexible ways to style your components to suit your application’s aesthetics.

Ark UI assigns a data-scope and data-part attribute to every component part, allowing you to use CSS selectors to target specific parts of a component. Here’s an example showing how to add styles to the Slider component:

[data-scope='slider'][data-part='thumb'] {
  background: blue;
  width: 16px;
  height: 16px;
  border-radius: 999px;

[data-scope='slider'][data-part='track'] {
  background: silver;
  height: 8px;
  flex: 1;

[data-scope='slider'][data-part='range'] {
  background: orange;
  height: inherit;

[data-scope='slider'][data-part='control'] {
  position: relative;
  align-items: center;
  display: flex;

It’s worth noting that Ark UI doesn’t limit you to using CSS selectors. You can also use class names, inline styles, or even the asChild prop for greater customization and control over your components. These styling approaches make Ark UI compatible with any styling solution, and they enable you to integrate Ark UI with existing UI libraries seamlessly.

To learn more about how to style components in Ark UI, refer to the comprehensive Styling Components guide in our documentation.